Maintain your registration with Patent & Trademark Office assistance!
Patent & Trademark Office is a legal private representative company and offer:
*Trademark Renewal service in the USPTO Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS);
* assistance with responding to an official USPTO communication;
* track Trademark registration with Remainders to keep it active.
Federal Trademark registration process is a legal proceeding. Once you have obtained a U.S federal trademark registration, you must take certain steps to maintain the registration. Otherwise the USPTO will cancel your registration.
The owner of the registration must renew a trademark during the following time periods:
First Filing Deadline: File between the 5th and 6th years after the registration date. If the renewal is accepted, the registration will continue in force for the remainder of the ten-year period from the registration date.
Subsequent Filing Deadline: File between the 9th and 10th years after the registration date, and between every 9th and 10th year after the registration date thereafter.
Step 1. You receive the Order Form from Patent & Trademark Office;
Step 2. You submit signed Order Form and mail it back to Patent & Trademark Office in the provided Business Reply envelope;
Step 3. Receive an invoice and Order confirmation from Patent & Trademark Office, that we received your application within the deadline;
Step 4. Upon receipt of all the fees the trademark renewal documents will be submitted by our expert in United States Patent and Trademark Office;
Step 5. After procedure conclusion Patent & Trademark Office will send an Acceptance Notice of Renewal from United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Failure to renew your Trademark on time might result the cancellation of the Trademark and a new application to pursue registration of the mark again must be filed.
Correspondence address:
Patent & Trademark Office
19125 North Creek Parkway, Suite 120
Bothell, WA 98011
Patent & Trademark Office is a private, non-governmental company and isn’t connected to any of the governmental organizations.