If the owner or Legal Representative of the registration is claiming excusable nonuse off the mark, the Section 8 Declaration must include:
The registration number;
The name and address of the current owner;
The Government fee and fee for filing the Declaration;
A list of the goods/services in the registration on or in connection with which the mark is not in use in commerce; the date of the last use of the mark in commerce; the approximate date when use in commerce is expected to resume; details regarding the reason for nonuse; and specific steps being taken to resume use; A signed and dated affidavit or declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20.
Trademark FAQ
- Why do I have to Renew the Trademark?
- How long does a Trademark registration last?
- When I must file the Continuation Of Use and Renewal Declaration?
- Will the United States Patent and Trademark Office contact me directly and request payment?
- Will my registration be cancelled if I do not file a Renewal Declaration?